A short project based around my first ever visit to the Scottish Highlands. The first photo in particular is very special to me. It was a very cold morning in early January when I first ever ventured into the Scottish highlands. It was also the day that I forgot my gloves and I didn’t own a tripod. But it would be a disservice to this magnificent place, and my first ever visit to the “three sisters” of Glencoe, if I just relied on memory for its beauty - I had to take a picture both for myself and to share with friends.

I didn't have a chance to wait for an opportune moment. A quick stop was all I could have in each location. First stop, first photo below. Base ISO, small aperture for the depth of field, and hoping against hope that stretching against the camera strap while leaning over the nearby bridge would be enough to stabilise my icy hands and camera despite the slower shutter, I took a quick snap. Just the one. Cars had just arrived nearby and were disgorging far more people than what I was comfortable with. One click would have to do.

I didn’t know it then, but this would capture the essence of winter’s wild beauty for me. Fog, mountains, pristine landscape with just a hint of humankind’s presence, what more could you want? Gloves maybe, I guess. Partly as the reminder of a fond memory for a day spent exploring and partly for documenting my first ever glimpse of the highlands, this series will always be special for me.
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